Jag vill nog inte släppa andligheten i kommande projekt. Jag är intresserad. Tänker nog fokusera på andras syn på andlighet.
Jag är andlig i kubik och kvadrat just nu. Öppen och känslig. Jag har ett samröre med skator, med deras närvaro på mitt no-space, i mitt liv. Deras symboliska, sägenomspunna, mystiska betydelse. Igår tatuerade Sanna två skator på min arm. Two for joy.Jag skall inte fokusera på min egen uppfattning om andlighet i detta projekt, utan tänker kanske att jag ska intervjua andra om vad andlighet är för dem, och sen göra en målning, installation, skulptur av mina tolkningar, upplevelser av det. Så känns det nu ialla fall. Fast idag är jag upptagen av att fokusera på mina skator.
Om skator ur boken Crow av Boria Sax:
Perhaps the most charming of all the birds in the family Corvid are is the magpie, which had a reputation in both East and West for constant chattering and for stealing glittering objects.
The common magpie (pica pica), with sharply contrasting markings of black and white, if found through most of Eurasia and parts of United States.
The green magpie of eastern Asia (Cissa chinesis) is even more striking in appearance, with plumage as bright as that of a bird of paradise.
For all its mischievous ways, the magpie is also a symbol of domesticity.Since it builds uncommonly intricate, domed nests that hang from branches and are entered from one side.
The name of the magpie in Chinese litterally means "bird of joy", and it is known as a bearer of good omens. Above all, the magpie is a patron of lovers.
One popular tale found in many versions throughout most of eastern Asia is that
of the weaver maiden Zhi nu, who married a young man named Qian niu who herded oxen. The weaver maiden was granddaughter of the Emperor of Heaven,
and her task was to weave the celestial cloth with its pattern of clouds.
After her marriage, Zhi nu would spend all her time laughing and frolicking with her husband, and she neglected her duties. At last, the Emperor of Heaven decided that they must be separated. He placed Zhi nu in the eastern sky and Qian nu in the western sky, and between them he set the Milky Way.
Husband and wife then wept so much that there were great floods upon the earth.
Finally, on the seventh day of the seventh month of the Chinese year, the magpies (in some versions, crows) flew up and formed a bridge across the sky.
The weaving maiden is the star Vega and the herder is the star Altair, at opposite sides of the heavens, and every year they are reunited by the birds.
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